Thursday, November 03, 2005

It's been a while ...

Since I've updated this. I had such good, noble intentions but anyway! I digress.

So, I've a bit of writer block actually. It's been so long since I've written anything that it's a little disconcerting to try and fit a months worth of work into a short, snappy (and here the alliteration ends) pithy piece. You know the type I mean, wry yet meaningful, sarcastic yet not mean and so on. I'll try though.

Lots and lots of meetings. Anything of relevance to postgrads? Well, we can't drink alcohol in the PSA anymore under the new code of conduct. I'm in the process of writing to the President and asking him for permission for a couple of parties, so I'll let you know how that goes. What else? I attended a peer review of the library in September and there was some oral feedback from the group that suggested that the library needs that taught postgrads have are not being adequately met by the library. I'll let you know more when the report is published and what the library's response to these recommendations are.

Emmmm ... I attended creche and student affairs. I suggested that the PSA be a 'sign-in' point for postgrad orientation guides as it seems that not all of the new postgrads got brought into the PSA this year. I also asked that the Students' Union/PSA slot on the Friday of orientation week be held before lunch. Approx. 30 people turned up to the session this year and I believe there was even less last year. I was a postgrad last year and I didn't go because I didn't want to wait around for an hour and a half to hear the SU and nothing else. Hopefully these comments will be taken on board by the orientation working group.

What else? The PSA and the SU are jointly sponsoring a month (January) in the calendar currently being produced by the Environmental Committee (which I sit on). It's a historic reconciliation between PSA and SU ... Alcohol seems to be the main item on the SU agenda at the moment. Reform of the alcohol policy is the hot topic in student politics these days. It's a tricky one. Currently the amount of complaints from residents about students behaviour in off-campus estates is at an all time high, and this has prompted Roger Downer, President of the University, to send a letter to all students (via ITD) basically urging people to cop on and have a bit of respect for residents. Conversely, the Scholars Club is closed (and was running at a considerable loss) and the Stables profit has dropped, even though they are the only pub on campus now (bar the Arena).

So what to do? Suggestions at the SU AGM included putting an off-license on campus and food served longer. The Stables is cheaper for pints than other pubs in Castletroy but yet they are not doing the same trade. Why? It is time for a review of the Alcohol policy, not least because it was approved by Governing Authority in 2002, so there should be a review at this stage anyway. As I sit on SU exec., Class Reps Council, Campus Alcohol Implementation and Governing Authority I figure that I'll hear all about it (and so will you, dear reader).

Social events, well Reel Loco went well in the end. Stressful times though, especially when the sean-nós dancers and the trad band sent me a text at 13.55 on the day of the gig cancelling. I was not a happy bunny. Big thanks are due to Gan Ainm for stepping in and saving the day. The PSA and UL Cricket Club are holding a charity table quiz in the Arena on Friday. All proceeds are going to Goal for their work in Pakistan after the recent earthquake.

And, I need to have a little rant now - WHY WILL PEOPLE NOT CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES IN THE PSA? WHY WILL THEY STEAL THE MUGS? WHY? WHY? Oh, and my exec was elected through a certain amount of pleading on my part. I'm actually a bit disgusted with the lack of interest in the PSA. And so I've decided not to be accountable and just do whatever I like. The only way that I could get a quorum was to hold the meeting at lunchtime when the PSA was full anyway, but yet people wouldn't do me the courtesy of shutting up and listening. And the SU couldn't get a quorum for their AGM despite the fact that the Scholars was up for discussion and the new constitution needs to be ratified. And it really does, because the new constitution provides for a fifth sabbatical officer in the SU and makes the PSA rep on SU exec a voting member.

So, any comments, questions (yeah right!) email me