Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So I guess I'm just a lame duck now, eh?

As only one person put themselves forward for election for the position of PSA President - we have a winner! Nominations closed yesterday at 5pm and Katrina Farrell was deemed elected. Katrina is currently completing her taught M.A. in International Studies and will be taking over from me (after two weeks training) on 1st July 2006 until 30th June 2007. So best of luck Katrina!

I'm a bit disappointed that there wasn't an election though and I do think that the PSA is worse off for the lack of one. Elections create a sense of ownership for the position and they give people something to fight for. I was elected unopposed, so I speak from experience. I don't think it is healthy to just walk into a very important position like this - nobody benefits. If there is an election, an active part is made by candidates to fully research the burning issues of the constituency and actively pledge to do something about these. Anyway, I'd just better build that bridge and get over it, methinks.

I must also confess to feeling a bit uneasy about someone else 'shadowing' me during training and quizzing me about the job. What if I can't answer a question? Also, I've a fairly well defined personal space now and since that encompasses my whole office, I'm a little unsure about having to allow someone to occupy that space. So I wonder how that bridge coming along now, hmmm?

Anyway, it's my birthday so I'm off to celebrate my quarter century! What an achievement ...


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