Monday, August 29, 2005

It's all starting up now...

Dear all,

Well I've have the summer to ease myself into this job, and now as September rapidly approaches, my job is really going to pick up. I've a couple of things to do before semester 1 starts, namely some cleaning in the PSA, and some painting to freshen the place up a bit. I'm also busy designing new information leaflets for new postgrads to help them find their way around, as well as trying to install a (working) forum on the website.

Meetings are also commencing this week, and I've Academic Council on Wednesday. As some of you may remember, my campaign manifesto pledged to try and set up some teaching support and advise for postgrads teaching labs and tutorials. To this extent I've set up a meeting with Dr. Sarah Moore, Dean for Teaching and Learning, in order to find a viable solution to this problem. I'll keep you all posted as to how these go.

Any advise, comments, criticisms etc., please email them to me at Keep informed! Sign up to the mailing list on

Take care,


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Lodgin' this weekend...

Dear all,

Just to let you know, there will be a postgrad barbeque in Kilmurry Lodge this weekend. Tickets are only 3.50! And that includes a meal, music in the bar, and entry into the Lodge afterwards. Who could pass up a bargain like that? Tickets will be available from me in the PSA tomorrow (Friday), so I expect a constant stream of visitors to my office all day!

Talk to you then,


Friday, August 05, 2005

Progress to Date

Dear all,

Well, last night I organised a postgrad night in the Stables. Music was provided by a postgrad band, SuperSmashMonkeyHouse, and they really got everyone moving and singing! There was a pool competition, and food was sponsored by the Stables.

Despite the appalling weather yesterday, there was a good turn-out, and everyone seemed to have a good night. The next event planned is a summer barbeque in Kilmurry Lodge on Sunday 14th August, keep an eye on the blog or the webpage for more details.

I want to say a big THANK YOU to the following for helping to make last night a success; Declan and the staff at the Stables, [and Happy Birthday to Declan also!], Wally for organising the pool competition, and SuperSmashMonkeyHouse for the great music.

Remember, to keep fully informed about postgrad events, sign up to the mailing list through the PSA homepage, and there is a link to that on the right hand side of this page.

Take care,
