Monday, September 19, 2005

Orientation Week

So this week is orientation week and the increasing number of people on campus is already noticeable. Postgrad orientation is on Thursday and Friday and on Friday I will be going down to the concert hall and making a (brief) speech about what I do and what I do for postgrads.

As for the rest of the week, well it's shaping up to be fairly busy also. Today I'm going down to speak to the postgrad orientation guides. There is a peer quality review of the library on Wednesday, and I'm joining the taught postgrad group to give some feedback about the library and the services that it provides to postgraduate students. The tutor workshop that I helped set up is taking place on Thursday and I'm attending that also. I'm pleased to say that the workshop has been full since early last week, and this alone shows the need for such a service for tutors and TAs. I was a little apprehensive when Sarah Moore (Dean of Teaching and Learning) informed me that the class was full, as I had intended for this service to be offered to very new tutors. However Sarah assured me that if there is enough of an interest in another workshop, she will run one in due course.

Thursday and Friday I'll be on a stall for the Environment Committee in the foundation building answering questions about recycling facilities and the like in UL. On Thursday I will also be sitting on a ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) committee. Friday I also have my first meeting of Academic Programme Review Committee (APRC) and my spiel in the concert hall.

Whew ... lots of meetings. And in addition to all this I have my regular work too! Keep checking the blog to see what else I'm up to as your representative.


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